Wednesday, September 16, 2009


well................our mid-sem exams are towards an end..........nd i simply had d roughest spell of my life during d event. believe me.never before had i sat for an exam so unprepared !!!!!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow i am sure 2 fail in mathematics..........i actually dont know what 2 do 4 d alloted couple of hours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well a good idea is to sleep nd dream..............dream of nething.............umm..............he he . but finally the puja vacation starts nd i feel so relieved dat i dont have to board those crowdy local trains...................although its 4 one month.i really dont have ne plans what do do d puja days...................i really havent made any plans. lets see how it turns out to college frnds were planning to go out on shasti.....................but dat day i really have some problem......nd i am xtreamly upset for dat.but nothing to do. but now i have to mother is calling.i request all my well wishers please pray for me.....................................i need them badly to get through tomorrows exam.........................good night frnds.